EP 30: Panel: Light Rail, Rent Control and Displacement
Join us for a live recording of a panel discussion about the threat by a mass transit project poses to the working class, and minority residents of Tigard, Oregon. Tigard is a suburb immediately to the southwest of Portland. There is a large streetcar project (known as light rail) planned for the area.
As viewers of Priced Out (the documentary) know, that fifteen years ago local government built a light rail system that caused massive displacement of black and other residents in North Portland. The City of Portland anticipated that the project would create gentrification and promised to build 2,000 units of affordable housing to offset displacement. But 15 years later the city had only produced about 500 units.
Priced Out producer Cornelius Swart, the Regional Arts and Culture Council, Unite Oregon, the Fair Housing Council of Oregon and City of Tigard teamed up to sponsor a screening and discussion aimed at engaging the residents of Tigard, and helping them avoid the mistakes of the past.
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