DiscoverThe Breadwinner Energy™ PodcastEP 80: The Truth About Working Less While Making More Money
EP 80: The Truth About Working Less While Making More Money

EP 80: The Truth About Working Less While Making More Money

Update: 2023-07-03


In today's ep we are talking about working less while making more money, time, impact, & freedom.
I used to believe you had to work more to make more. I truly believed this.  I was always told “money doesn't grow on trees”, “if you want nice things you have to work hard for them” , “you have to save your money for a rainy day” , & my favorite “nothing in life is easy” Here is the things: those are all just thoughts & perspectives. None of which are actual facts BUT if you hear this your entire life you embody these thoughts, you believe them & then you leave your easy 9-5 to start your own business which is hard because nothing in life is easy.. and you have to work harder to be successful .. right? 
I mean that is what I always thought anyway.  Yes building a business won't always be easy and you will have to put in the work BUT it also gets to be fun & easy when you allow it to be. 
You don't have to punish yourself in order to have success.. you don't have to work 100 hours a week to be successful  & I would even bet that the hours you are putting in aren't actually moving the needle in your business. Because if you were ONLY doing needle moving, money generating activities you would have more time & money already…  BUT if you have no clue what those things are you likely spend your time spinning your wheels trying to “make money happen”  I hear this from a lot of my students 

Sales are hard
I have to be aggressive
Making money is hard
I have to work more to make more
I have to work harder in order to be successful

& they even feel GUILTY for not working, taking time off, going to hangout at the pool with their kids.
YOU choose to be a business owner for FREEDOM & FLEXIBILITY not to feel like shit every time you aren't sitting at your computer.  YOU choose to be a business owner for more time with your kids & partner yet every time you are with them you feel guilty for not working.. It's time to give yourself permission to live a little, to make business fun & easy, to make more money, to work less, to enjoy being a business owner not just work work working. I was you.. working 40-60 hours a week, constantly grinding, never taking breaks or vacations, making less than $5k /month and wondering when this would ever pay off &WHEN IT DID PAY OFF THEN I would spend time with my family, then I would travel, then I would relax… But then I made my first 6 figures.. and still couldn't relax. Still felt guilty, still battled my own thoughts of working harder… Your mindset won't change just because you make more moneyYour schedule won't change just because you make more money  Working harder won't make you more money… Every single year since I hit my first 6 Figures I've worked less & less.. and you know what? 
It all fell a part & I went broke.. LOL totally kidding. I've made more than ever BEFORE.  This year I had a baby - so naturally I worked less - 2 days a week to be exact and have made more in 6 months than I made all last year… YUP on a 2 day a week schedule  This is EXACTLY what I am teaching inside our BWE Academy Mastermind. How to work less & move the needle in your business to make more. 

If you are just starting out as a coach join GCE School & build your first profitable coaching business + start stacking income.
Once you are making consistent $3-$6k months then join the Mastermind so we can scale to 6 & 6+ figures while working less than ever before!

Join the BWE Academy Mastermind Waitlist:
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EP 80: The Truth About Working Less While Making More Money

EP 80: The Truth About Working Less While Making More Money

Tay Daniels