EP18: Pendle: Building Products that Ride the Wave
Welcome to another episode of WEB3 Founders Real Talk!
In each episode, you’ll hear a different story of entrepreneurs who started Web3 businesses, along with what went well, how they overcame challenges, and what to expect in the future. Both tactical and practical, their stories will help you thrive.
Get ready for an exhilarating podcast episode! Join TN, the CEO of Pendle, as he shares invaluable entrepreneurial wisdom, emphasizes the importance of selective trend-following, and unveils Pendle's secret weapon for surpassing the competition.
Key Moments:
00:20 Background intro of Pendle
07:08 Challenges during the founding journey of Pendle
11:42 "Must Have" traits for Web3 entrepreneurs
16:22 Pendle and LSD narrative
20:24 Key pillars of Pendle product strategy
24:57 Contingency plan for risk management
28:38 Layer 2 integration
33:16 The future outlook of LSD narrative
Disclaimer: This channel is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. All the opinions expressed by channel guests are solely their own opinion and do not represent either【WEB3 Founders Real Talk】or Mint Ventures in any way.
WEB3 Founders Real Talk将对话Web3海内外项目的创始团队,为大家带来最直观的创业故事分享。
本期WEB3 Founders Real Talk我们邀请到了连续创业者,同时也是Pendle的CEO TN和我们一起分享他在Web3创业之路上学到的宝贵经验。他坦言在Web3这个充满不确定性的世界中,我们不应盲目跟随每一个热点,趋势,同时他也向我们揭秘了Pendle能与同行拉开距离的“杀手锏”。最后TN也和我们共同展望了LSD叙事以及其未来潜力。