DiscoverRelentless Health ValueEP448 (Part 1): 340B: Where It Started, Where It Is Now, and Who Is Really Benefiting From This Massive Program, With Shawn Gremminger
EP448 (Part 1): 340B: Where It Started, Where It Is Now, and Who Is Really Benefiting From This Massive Program, With Shawn Gremminger

EP448 (Part 1): 340B: Where It Started, Where It Is Now, and Who Is Really Benefiting From This Massive Program, With Shawn Gremminger

Update: 2024-09-05


So, after some pondering, I decided to release this conversation with Shawn Gremminger about 340B in two parts. So, listen to one, listen to both, pick your poison. Shawn Gremminger came up with three really important takeaways relative to 340B, which is a feat unto itself, considering how sprawling this conversation can be. So, if you came here for some concise and actionable takeaways, you have come to the right place.

To Read The Full Article Including Links Mentioned, click here.

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This first part you are listening to right now zeros in on Shawn’s first takeaway: whether or not the original intent, or the presumed original intent, of the 340B program has actually been met.

Many do not realize that 340B began life as a caterpillar. It originally, actually, was conceived as a lowly bureaucratic fix. But over the past 15 years, it has gone into a chrysalis and emerged into a 500-pound gorilla that sits in the corner of a lot of rooms, actually—probably more than many people realize. All of that being said, when you’re done listening to this first part of the convo, you should be able to competently assess whether or not 340B does, in fact, adequately help underserved communities get better healthcare—because 340B is supposed to help safety-net healthcare providers stretch scarce resources.

The second part of the show, which is a separate episode called Part 2, is how all of this impacts employers and commercial plans. And there’s two more takeaways there.

So, if you already have the gist of how we got from the beginnings of 340B to where we are in 2024 already and all you want to hear about is why do employers care about what amounts to a low-income program or was purported to be a low-income program, feel free to zip over to the second show and cut to that chase.

If you’re still with me for this Part 1—and I hope you are, because … wow, it’s a wild and tangled journey—here’s an outline of where this first part of the discussion is headed. So, for the sake of posterity and having this introduction transcribed in your inbox (be sure to sign up for the free newsletter), here you go. Here’s the outline.

Visit the full article to read more.

05:25  Shawn’s three takeaways from the 340B program.

06:04  What is the intent of the 340B program?

08:22  Read the full 32-page report of the Energy and Commerce Committee. 

09:17  Why does Medicaid have to get the best price?

13:26  Why was there a shift in how the 340B program looked starting in the mid-2000s?

15:11  Why do more than half of acute care hospitals now qualify for 340B?

18:18  How has hospital consolidation affected 340B?

20:37  What is the misalignment between how a hospital qualifies for 340B and how it benefits said hospitals?

24:11  How is a 340B designed for hospitals to make a profit?

28:45  Why isn’t there a real patient definition in 340B?

31:46  Why is 340B still popular among policymakers?

33:05  Are 340B dollars being used in underserved communities?

33:57  EP394 with Vikas Saini, MD, and Judith Garber, MPP.

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EP448 (Part 1): 340B: Where It Started, Where It Is Now, and Who Is Really Benefiting From This Massive Program, With Shawn Gremminger

EP448 (Part 1): 340B: Where It Started, Where It Is Now, and Who Is Really Benefiting From This Massive Program, With Shawn Gremminger