EPISODE #025 The Truth About Critical Race Theory: What It Is. What It Isn’t. How It’s Been Hijacked.
Critical Race Theory CRT has become a political football tossed around the United States so much that the original concept is unrecognizable to those who originated it in the 1970s. It is a legal framework that examines the complexities of racial discrimination, and it is connected to power, gender, and other societal categories. Contrary to popular opinion, CRT has never been taught in elementary schools, let alone other secondary classrooms. This podcast is designed to separate fact from fiction so that you will be a more informed listener as you share this podcast with others. Definitely discuss it so that your friends, family, and colleagues can learn from the accurate perspective you share with them.
(Carole's Online DEI Course that discusses CRT as part of her membership)
Online Course:
Promoting DEIBM Advocacy In A World Of Misinformation
Faces At The Botton Of The Well
Atty. Derrick Bell
Race, Rights, & Redemption: The Derrick Bell Lectures on The Law and Critical Race Theory
Janet Dewart Bell
Critical Race Theory: The Key Writings That Formed The Movement
Edited by Kimberlé Crenshaw
White By Law: The Legal Construction of Race
Ian Haney López