EPM Conversations -- Episode 5, A Conversation (no, a rap!) With Chris Turner
Different? You want different? Music? Humor? Freestyle Rapping? Maybe something related to EPM?
Maybe. Actually, yes, quite a bit really. You read that right: EPM Conversations has a number of firsts in this podcast:
- A conversation with the artist and performer Chris Turner.
- A freestyle rap about EPM. Really. We have the best and simultaneously the only rap on this subject extant. I look forward to others contributing to this genre. And then a rap battle. It’s the obvious move.
- A podcast where your hosts are largely unable to form coherent sentences or at least keep up with the guest. We tried but we’re not that facile with language as you’ll hear when Chris covers EPM in all of its glory as well as the episode itself.
A note before we get into the content of this conversation: if you are of a timid and retiring nature, easily offended at adult language and commentary, then I fear this isn’t for you.
This is absolutely a case of letting one’s work speak for itself. Check out his YouTube channel as a first stop.
And yes, he’s English. Do yourself a favor and watch the rap-battle-that-I-hope-will-one-day-come-to-EPM-may-that-day-be-soon between Chris and Thomas Toles. Poor Canadians – they’re even practically British but that doesn’t help them much. Funny stuff, especially the bit at the end that drives home what makes the Special Relationship well, special.
Done? Something else, eh? How much time did you not do your job? Guilty as charged I imagine. That’s what art does – and wordplay and music are most definitely art.
After that came the reason you listen to EPM Conversations – a conversation with all of your hosts and Chris. Chris has a very different take on data and how he crafts his product. Yes, quite outside of the typical EPM topic but there is that grain of what we do in what he does. Look for more of this in future episodes.
Oh sure, don't listen to the podcast -- we do in fact have the audio as part of the episode.
Regardless, if you want to watch just Chris, click right here.
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