DiscoverAzure DevOps PodcastEgil Hansen on Blazor Testing with bUnit - Episode 169
Egil Hansen on Blazor Testing with bUnit - Episode 169

Egil Hansen on Blazor Testing with bUnit - Episode 169

Update: 2021-11-29


This week, Jeffrey is joined by Egil Hansen; a Principal Developer at Delegate, as well as a Microsoft MVP and a .NET Foundation member. Egil has a strong focus on creating maintainable software and loves DDD, TDD, Blazor, and clean code principle. He also streams his coding live on Twitch every Monday and Wednesday.


Egil is also the creator and maintainer of bUnit; an open-source library for testing Blazor components, and AngleSharp.Diffing; a library for semantic comparison of HTML in C#. In this episode, he’s giving a rundown of bUnit, its capabilities, and the story behind its creation. He also shares his thoughts on Domain-Driven Design, the future of Blazor, and his background in the industry.


Topics of Discussion:

[:36] About The Azure DevOps Podcast, Clear Measure; the new video podcast Architect Tips; and Jeffrey’s offer to speak at virtual user groups.

[1:12 ] About today’s episode with Egil Hansen.

[1:30 ] Jeffrey welcomes Egil to the podcast!

[1:37 ] Egil shares his background and what initially led him to develop software.

[4:02 ] Why Egil took notice of Blazor and what led him to creating the testing library, bUnit.

[7:19 ] Egil describes what bUnit is and how it’s used with Blazor.

[8:44 ] Egil shares his thought process with putting bUnit together (as well as specifically for testing UI code.)

[14:35 ] A word from Azure DevOps Podcast’s sponsor: Clear Measure.

[15:13 ] Egil shares his approach to decomposition so that you run into difficulties with testing.

[20:14 ] Egil speaks about layout components with bUnit.

[23:57 ] Egil’s thought process on component interaction with bUnit.

[25:49 ] Egil shares his predictions on where he sees the Blazor project going in the future.

[27:54 ] Egil summarizes what Domain-Driven Design is and what he likes about it.

[31:44 ] Jeffrey thanks Egil for joining the podcast and Egil shares how listeners can get in touch with him.


Mentioned in this Episode:

Architect Tips — New video podcast!

Azure DevOps

Clear Measure (Sponsor)

.NET DevOps for Azure: A Developer’s Guide to DevOps Architecture the Right Way, by Jeffrey Palermo — Available on Amazon! — Click here to download the .NET DevOps for Azure ebook!

Jeffrey Palermo’s YouTube

Jeffrey Palermo’s Twitter Follow to stay informed about future events!

DEVintersection Conference — Dec. 7th‒9th in Las Vegas, Nevada (Use discount code: PALERMO)

Egil Hansen’s LinkedIn

Egil Hansen’s Twitter @EgilHansen

Egil Hansen’s Twitch @EgilHansen

Egil Hansen on GitHub

bUnit on GitHub


Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software, by Eric Evans


Want to Learn More?

Visit AzureDevOps.Show for show notes and additional episodes.

Comments (1)

Elizabeth Gorgon

This is valuable information, thanks for sharing! At the same time, it is worth using both manual and automatic tests, the combination of which will reveal as many errors and shortcomings as possible, you can learn more about this here . Optimization opportunities and probable errors cannot be ignored.

Nov 1st








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Egil Hansen on Blazor Testing with bUnit - Episode 169

Egil Hansen on Blazor Testing with bUnit - Episode 169

Jeffrey Palermo