Elaine Barry - The Pelvic Floor Show
In our first podcast back post lockdown from Covid 19 we got to speak ( whilst socially distancing so allow us any sound issues please) to the women’s health whizz that is Elaine Barry.
Elaine is one of the physio day the Milltown Health Clinic here in Ireland and specialises in an up and coming area of women’s health: internal pelvic floor work. When lydia was pregnant she went to try out this type of physio and found it an invaluable tool in understanding how to teach her body to relax and open in preparation for the birthing process and has been singing its praises to her pregnant clients ever since.
Elaine explains to us the myriad functions of the pelvic floor and why it is so vital to have not only an understanding of but also a connection to this vital area of our bodies. We look at the fears many of us hold around working with this area and the worries women have about the trauma it can receive during birth and the subsequent lack of function in the postpartum period.
Elaine is so warm and relatable and clearly really cares about the women she works with and we are just so happy to be able to demystify what goes on during a pelvic floor physio session so that more and more people will avail of this amazing service.
Grab a cup of tea , Listen in and spread the word please: let’s start a pelvic floor empowerment revolution 🙏
If you want to know more please contact Elaine @elainebarryphysio Or call the team at Milltown Physiotherapy Clinic who we are very grateful to for loaning us their lovely space to record in .