Emily Kindred & Trish talked so much at a sleepover...here is a snippit.
Emily Kindred is a fantastic actress, and quick-witted and intelligent individual.
She came over after work at 12 midnight and we threw on flannel onsies and ate a ton of snacks. I had to only grab a snippit of the long conversation we had. I literally had about three hours of footage. Due to me being a new podcaster, I didn't actually know how to edit in an intro after-the-fact. So this one is a little different from the rest, but fantastic, none-the-least.
This is the episode I think “stoners” will like. We snacked and blabbed. We only drank tea, but you’d think we had been hitting the bong. I think we were both just so tired and just needed to catch up that it comes across that way.
Emily produced a really hilarious short, ‘The Young & The Wrestlers’, Misty Fox Directed, and I was lucky enough to get to play a role in it.
Emily is a boss-babe and I look forward to having her on again.
Happy Saturday! 🙏🏽❤️