Empower Your Emotions with Emotional Logic with Dr. Trevor Griffiths
Let's shift that mindset of not worth discussing or sharing unpleasant emotions, especially if you realize that something deep inside of you has been disconnecting from what you truly value. Let's learn how to use negative emotions to strengthen us and lean back on our core values.
Youtube: http://youtu.be/K1uUeng2hEQ
Grab the Book: Emotional Logic
We cover the following as well:
- Negative or Unpleasant Emotions and Its Useful Purpose
- The Longterm Impact of Challenging Events in early years
- Understanding EMOTIONS
- Spiritual Exploration
- The Kübler Ross Adjustment Method (7 Adjustment Stages)
- Your Values and How It Impacts Your Daily Life
- Emotional Logic and Its Benefits
- Healthy Grieving vs. Clinical Depression
- Manipulation and How to Get Out of It
- Unpleasant Emotions > Pleasant Emotions > Values
- The Beauty Behind The Unpleasant Things We're Experiencing
Dr. Trevor Griffiths:
Emotional Logic Book: http://relatedness.net/shop/
Website: www.relatedness.net
Instagram: www.instagram.com/emotional_logic_centre/
Youtube: www.youtube.com/DrTrevorGriffiths/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ELCentreUK/
Buy Online introductory learning Materials: https://emotionallogicshop.company.site/Online-Come-Through-Stronger-with-Emotional-Logic-p557305188
Email: office@emotionalcentre.org.uk
Cindy Marie
Website: www.cindymarie.net/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/cindymarieazur/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CindyMarieAzur/
Youtube: www.youtube.com/cindymarieazur/
Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/cindymarieazur/
TikTok: www.tiktok.com/@cindymarieazur/