Discover2 Regular Guys Talking Decoration and PersonalizationEmpowering Women in Print: Insights from the Women in Print Alliance
Empowering Women in Print: Insights from the Women in Print Alliance

Empowering Women in Print: Insights from the Women in Print Alliance

Update: 2024-08-02


This week, we are excited to welcome Lisbeth Lyons Black from Printing United Alliance and the director of the Women in Print Alliance. Join us as we discuss the mission and evolution of the Women in Print Alliance, a dynamic initiative aimed at attracting, advancing, and advocating for women in the printing industry. Discover why membership benefits women and their employers, the key topics the alliance focuses on, and why this initiative is crucial for everyone in the industry. Tune in for an inspiring conversation on fostering an inclusive industry culture.

<figure class="wp-block-media-text__media">Our Success Group</figure>

Our regular listeners know this, but 2 Regular Guys are all about garment decorating, a bit of fun, and no rants, lectures, or selling. 2 Regular Guys was not created for our employers but rather for our industry. Since February 2013, The 2 Regular Guys have been the first and the most listened-to garment decorating industry podcast on this planet! We are humbled by all of you tuning in each week. We work hard to bring you information that will improve your business and our industry. Take a look at our incredible weekly guest list, and you’ll understand where this industry goes for news, interviews, and the heartbeat of garment decorating. Thanks for listening!

Ready to have clarity and confidence in your business? Attend FUNdamentals Live on October 10-12, 2024 in O’Fallon, MO.

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If you have anything newsworthy you would like us to share, please email details to Use the subject line “Weekly News.”

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Dad Joke

Terry: What do you call the ghost of a mischievous chicken?

A poultry-geist

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Women in Print

Aaron: Hi Lisbeth. We avoid the canned bios and just ask you to tell us a little about yourself and how you found your way into the industry. 

Terry: How did this all start? And where is the group today?

Terry: Why should women in the industry become members? And how will they benefit from membership?

Aaron: What are some key initiatives or programs that the Women in Print Alliance is currently working on to attract more women into the industry?

Aaron: Talk to us about the topics you focus on as a part of your programming

<figure class="aligncenter size-full">The FUNdamentals of Business Success Book</figure>

Terry: Tell us why this type of initiative is good for everyone in the industry, regardless of gender.

Aaron: Lots of talk around the Olympics and Flavor Flav. Talk to us about how can men in the print industry support the Women in Print Alliance and contribute to a more inclusive environment.

Terry: Can you talk about the role of advocacy in the Women in Print Alliance and how it impacts the broader printing industry?

Aaron: Where can our listeners find you and find out more about joining?



See you all in Vegas soon! LLB

The Secret Sauce

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We serve up bite-sized tips for our #regulators to instantly spice up their decorated apparel business. Just like the perfect wing sauce, these quick tips can transform your business experience, adding flavor and depth to your operations. Each video in this playlist is a nugget of wisdom, carefully selected for its potential to bring immediate value to your work. So, whether you’re a seasoned pro or just getting started in the decorated apparel industry, dip into our ‘Secret Sauce’ for insights that can help you soar. Remember, the right tip at the right time can be just the secret ingredient you need for success.


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September 5th, 2024
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Empowering Women in Print: Insights from the Women in Print Alliance

Empowering Women in Print: Insights from the Women in Print Alliance

Aaron Montgomery