Enemy Perspective: Lessons from a REDSOF ODA at NTC Part 2 (Ep. 11)
This is the second part of a two-part conversation with CPT John Sinclair and MSG Wes Gatewood discussing Special Forces Operational Detachment-Alpha’s (SFOD-A) conducting Opposing Force or RED Force operations against a US Army Brigade Combat Team Augmented by US Army Special Operations Forces in a Large Scale Combat Training scenario across all domains (land, air, space, cyberspace, information, and human) at the National Training Center (NTC).
CPT Sinclair and MSG Gatewood share their experience
executing REDSOF (RED SF) at the National Training Center. Highlighting insights on how they prepared for this rotation, what worked and what did not work for their Detachment, and their biggest take-aways from the rotation.
CPT Sinclair and MSG Gatewood have the distinct honor of being the first non-Burro Team members to be guests on the podcast and the Off the Radar team thank them for their time, dedication to the profession, and willingness to help improve the force through attending a Combat Training Center (CTC) rotation and sharing their lessons learned.
About the Host:
CPT Weston Rich is a member of SOF Plans at the NTC and former member of Burro Team, the Special Operations Training Detachment OC/T Team at NTC. Prior to his time at NTC, Weston served as a Detachment Commander with 1st SFG (A) and as an Infantry Officer with 3-509th IN (ABN)/4/25 ID (now part of 2/11 ABN DIV). Following his time at NTC, Weston will attend Carnegie Mellon University with a follow-on assignment to Army Futures Command.
This episode covers:
- the risk and potential rewards of not bringing enablers
with the maneuver force; cost analysis on enablers and capabilities depending on mission set and area of operations
- balancing mission accomplishment and survivability
- thoughts on SF in LSCO prior to the rotation versus thoughts after the rotation
- tactical targets versus operational or strategic targets;
what types of missions and targets are appropriate for SOF and what is appropriate for conventional maneuver forces
- recommendations for preparing for a CTC rotation
- recommendations for ways to improve REDSOF
- lessons learned from an SFOD-A leadership
team; SOF in LSCO and MDO, working with a conventional force and partner force; refreshing the basics especially planning
Please like, subscribe, and share these episodes with ARSOF any conventional Soldiers and Leaders to spread the knowledge of ARSOF in LSCO.
To provide feedback please email the host, CPT Rich, at weston.rich@socom.mil.
Produced, edited, and sound engineering by Micah Popp of Salty Sounds