Enriching and Sustaining. ft. Dr. Redab Alnifaidy (OB/GYN resident - Howard University)
Kennedy Dunn, 3rd year medical student at Howard U and Dr. Redab Alnifaidy, OB/GYN resident at Howard University discuss what it means to enrich & sustain the world around us and what it means to be human in the 5th episode of Stranger Fruit Vol. II
2:17 - The Enrichment vs. Sustainability: Delving into whether true enrichment can exist without sustainability and the journey of resilience.
15:25 - Planting the Seed: Quotes that resonate with sustaining through life's highs and lows.
23:36 - Nourishing Insights: Impact of maternal nutrition and emotional sustenance on both mother and child.
31:05 - To Harvest & Ripen
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Intro Music: Bosch’s Garden - by Kjartan Abel. This work is licensed under the following: CC BY-SA 4.0 Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International.