Ensure that you insure (Part 2)
Aidan Grant and Christiaan van den Hout from Vie International are back to explore the use of life insurance in a diverse investment strategy for US/UK people.
(00:00 ) Introduction
(00:37 ) Discussion on life insurance
(04:21 ) Cash value plans
(10:09 ) Offshore bonds
(13:48 ) Tax efficiency
(18:27 ) Private placements
(19:38 ) Different types of policies, including non-MEC PPLI
(21:37 ) Life insurance trust and ILIT
(24:21 ) Upfront vs annual life insurance payments
(26:36 ) Funding policies and trusts
(28:53 ) US estate tax allowance vs UK inheritance tax nil rate band
Run time: 30 minutes
Securities and investment advisory services offered through M Holdings Securities, Inc a registered broker/dealer and investment advisor, member in the US. Vie International is independently owned and operated. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. This material is intended for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal or tax advice and is not intended to replace the advice of a qualified attorney, tax advisor, or plan provider.
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