Ep 1. StrikeReady on AI Virtual Assistants and Incident Response
StrikeReady’s Chief Product Officer, Anurag Gurtu, discusses AI virtual assistants, the younger generation’s AI optimism, the problems of incident response, and the automation possibilities of artificial intelligence. Anurag and Paul explore how virtual assistants will disrupt cybersecurity, orchestration, SIEM, SOAR, and managed services. Building and training virtual assistants is more complex than it appears, emerging products may need to deliver an ecosystem of familiar tools for bots to affect their environment.
Find StrikeReady.com on Twitter @strike_ready. Anurag Gurtu can be found @AnuragGurtu and on LinkedIn.com/in/gurtu. Send feedback to host, Paul Shomo @ShomoBits or LinkedIn.com/in/paulshomo. Read Paul’s end-of-year startup wrapup at DarkReading.