Ep 10: 5 Things you can do to prepare your business for 2022
It’s almost a new year and you know what that means. That means that it is time for us to prepare our businesses, Reflect, plan, pivot, and take whatever steps that are required to start the new year off ahead of the game. In today’s episode, I am going to share with you 5 things that you can do now before the new year starts to prepare your business for 2022.
I hope you enjoy today’s episode!
About The First Year Business Podcast:
The First Year Business Podcast is Hosted by Lashawnda Smith also known as "The First Year Coach" This podcast was created to be used as a tool to help guide you through your first year as a business owner.
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Website: www.thefirstyearcoach.com
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Email me at thefirstyearbpodcast@gmail.com
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Lashawnda Smith
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Facebook: Lashawnda Smith
Website: https://www.lashawndasmith.com