Ep 15: Nukes, Supernovas, Meteors & Pandemics - Welcome to the Pre-Apocalypse
In this episode, we examine the often-overlooked moments before an impending apocalypse, which have a special drama of their own. And we are here for that drama... do people come together in the face of impending doom, or do they crumble under the weight of inevitable disaster?
We look at different types of impending doom - natural disasters that can't be averted, external agents such as aliens and robot overlords (you know we want to talk about Cylons and Reapers again!), and of course, looming man-made disasters that may or may not be averted. Nick is back with more Neon Genesis Evangelion (of course!), plus Flip has a WHOLE NEW WAY to examine Westworld!
For detailed show notes and more information about the books, tv shows, movies, roleplaying games and computer games we discuss in this episode, check out the podcast website, podcultureoz.com.