Ep 251: Mingle and Jingle: Questions FDU Docs Get at Parties
Join us for this holiday edition of Fertility Docs Uncensored: Dr. Carrie Bedient from the Fertility Center of Las Vegas, Dr. Abby Eblen from Nashville Fertility Center, and Dr. Susan Hudson from Texas Fertility Center discuss questions they get at holiday parties as they mingle and jingle with friends and family. They discuss provocative holiday party questions: Does position matter? Do we need to have sex every day to get pregnant? Not exactly, but there are details you may want to hear. What kind of lubricant should we use? You may laugh at this answer. Should my partner switch to boxers from briefs? Hopefully, this doesn’t mess up your choice of gifts for your male partner. The docs also get questions that are less uncensored about stress and reproduction and the impact of past birth control use on fertility. You will not want to miss this informative and entertaining episode as you head over the river and through the woods to grandma’s house for your holiday celebration. Have questions about infertility? Visit FertilityDocsUncensored.com to ask our docs. Selected questions will be answered anonymously in future episodes.
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