Ep 3: Biodiversity Entrepreneurs
There are so many great ideas out there with the environment at their heart. But how do you take that idea for good and turn it into a business? Many conservationists struggle to put a dollar figure on their environmental values. So in this episode we’re talking to environmental entrepreneurs about the journey of turning their passion into a viable business.
In this episode we hear from:
Sam Marwood, Wild Idea Incubator - www.wildideaincubator.com
Jessie Panazollo - Lonely Conservationist - www.lonelyconservationists.com
Find her book she mentions in the episode at www.bookdepository.com/How-Conserve-Conservationists-Jessie-Panazzolo/9781649692726
David Brook - Wild BnB - www.wildbnb.com.au
See the gliders using David's nesting boxes - www.instagram.com/p/CGgJQxeAxlz
Kate Torgersen and David Flood, EnviroGolf - www.envirogolf.com.au
Hollie Newman and Aimee Bowman, Planet Warrior - www.planetwarrior.com.au