Ep. 122 - Family Office Real Estate Legal Strategies: A Discussion on Tax Planning, Asset Protection and Securities Compliance
This in-depth podcast features Tom Handler, a leading expert in family office law and wealth management from Handler Thayer law firm. He discusses strategies for optimizing family office real estate investments through advanced tax planning, sophisticated asset protection structures, and navigating the complex web of securities regulations.
Tom shares his decades of experience advising ultra-high net worth families and family offices on common planning mistakes to avoid. He highlights the ubiquitous role of real estate in family office portfolios and optimal entity structures like LLCs, multiple member LLCs, and series LLCs to maximize liability protection and minimize taxes.
The discussion also covers the growing trend of direct co-investments between families and ensuring compliance with murky broker-dealer and investment adviser registration rules. Tom warns of the SEC's broad interpretation of these rules and the risks of inadvertent violations.
For families and their advisors, this educational resource provides valuable guidance on professionally managing real estate assets through interdisciplinary legal, tax and financial planning expertise.