Ep. 20- Astrology and Your Identity- A Conversation with BehatiLife and Immigrantly Podcast
How can you use Astrology to explore, discover, develop, and strengthen your identity- a conversation between Jessica Alexandria of BehatiLife podcast and Immigrantly Podcast!
Also lately we're all witnessing a huge shift in African American communities breaking away from traditional Christianity beliefs to explore nontraditional spiritual practices. Let's discuss!
Check out Immigrantly Podcast here: https://immigrantlypod.com
Download my latest astrology and intuitive guide to 2021 which is FULL of weekly predictions, full and new moon rituals, and astrology guides to help you gain the most from 2021! https://www.behatilife.com/complete-guide
Shop the Apothecary for Herbs, Intention Oils, Fixed Candles and More- https://www.behatilife.com/apothecary
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Reach me at info@behatilife.com
Shop the Apothecary or sign up Virtual Tarot School, all at BehatiLife.