Ep. 219: Safety First – Navigating an OSHA Audit and Building a Culture of Safety at Webfoot Home Improvements
Our conversation this week features Travis Ulrich, the CEO and co-founder of Webfoot Home Improvements based in Bend, OR. A few weeks ago, Travis shared with his Mastermind Group that Webfoot experienced a random, very extensive and unexpected OSHA Audit. Today - we’re hearing about the experience straight from Travis - how it happened, what went down, what the process was like and we’ll spend some time talking about their safety program. The culture of the Webfoot Way prioritizes safety and they’ve made a point to implement this practice over the last 10 years, through ups, downs and various attempts to get the program right. Travis, his co-founder Gavin Hepp and their leadership team are champions of Safety within the organization and this investment in time and culture paid off with a glowing audit report.