Ep. 54 Entrepreneurship and Living Your Greatness with Ben Grant Mumme
Whattup Lions!
Today on the podcast we've god Ben Grant Mumme with us, an aspiring life coach dedicated to improving the lives of highly driven individuals on their pursuit towards greatness!
We talk about three things you need to stay focused: the what, how and the why.
We get into some of the mental blocks entrepreneurs face within themselves like staying positive even when nobody's watching and creating a strong vision that will help guide you when you've lost your focus.
We also talk about successful daily habits (MIT's: Most Important Tasks) and 8 rules to live by to push you towards being the best version of yourself!
If you're feeling unmotivated to get work done Ben gives you some great tips to get you back on track. Let us know what you think of the podcast in the comment section below!
Keep striving!