Ep.27 小讀讀 Book Club: From Scalpel to Spade 📖 ft. Suz
Special thanks to Dr Langenberg, Nim Yin, Ms Ma and Suzanne for making this episode possible, it has been the most serendipitous journey 🪴
(00:00 ) an excerpt read by the author / (00:36 ) introduction: “from scalpel to spade” / (04:55 ) our journey reading the book / (06:58 ) who should read the book
I. the world of medicine - (08:42 ) about barber surgeons / (11:45 ) med school: “a choice must be made” / (18:00 ) clinical years: “call me doctor” / (21:30 ) making a diagnosis in the modern day 🔬
II. home and heritage - (24:35 ) “a human salad”: on race and labels / (28:25 ) on reading and local bookstores 📖
III. doctors and patients - (32:15 ) the role of doctors: to comfort always
IV. transition - (35:58 ) the surgeon/ gardener link / (40:26 ) “what is your profession?” / (41:55 ) journey to ithaka 🚃
43:48 epilogue: “the life you can save” by peter singer 🪟
新青年理髮廳 - 世界是一列由東向西駛往的火車 / Serrini - 我在流浮山滴眼水.jpg / RubberBand - Juntos / Kiri T - One Day I Might Have A Say / Lam1Hey - 見字飲水 / 林家謙 - 流離者的海 / The Hertz - 爆煲急救指南 / 林家謙 - 聽風 / RubberBand - Easy / RubberBand - 未來見 / Swing - 1984 / 姜濤 - 今天只做一件事 / RubberBand - Be Right Back / RubberBand - 瞬間看地球
Book recommendation
"The Life You Can Save" by Peter Singer - free download: https://www.thelifeyoucansave.org/the-book/ (audiobook available on Spotify)