Ep29:School Teacher turned award winning Real estate investor
Quentin D’Souza is a multiple award-winning Real Estate Investor, and a trusted authority on real estate investing. He is an Ontario Certified Teacher and holds two university degrees, which includes a Master’s in Education. Quentin has appeared on
local and national television and radio, interviewed in national publications and has
been a keynote speaker to large audiences of real estate investors.
Quentin is a proud member of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization. His company, Apleridge Homes, uses the Buy, Fix, Refinance, and Rent strategy on long term rental
properties in Ontario, Canada, as well as with joint venture partnerships to create
win/win relationships on Apartment Building purchases. Quentin owns a real estate
portfolio in excess of $80 million dollars of assets under management across Canada
by the end of the year and the US and transacted on 80+ properties since 2004.