DiscoverCar Chat Podcast with Amy & JamyEpisode 10: Hannah - Women of the Bible Series
Episode 10: Hannah - Women of the Bible Series

Episode 10: Hannah - Women of the Bible Series

Update: 2024-01-31


Welcome to Season 2 and Episode 10! 

We are starting 2024 off with HANNAH (1 Samuel 1-2).  Her story follows Naomi's (Episode 5) in biblical order.

We continue to answer the question: WHO IS SHE and discover 2 things:
- she is a lot like you and me
- and who God is to her, he is to you and me.

Hannah is such an amazing sister. Interestingly, she is the 4th women in the bible narrative who struggled with infertility. But, she was the ONLY ONE who walked through it with unwavering faith. There is MUCH to learn from her story.

Jamy and I had such a blast chatting about her in my car while parked in an empty church parking lot. We can so related to her in our mothering journeys.

We will see that Hannah:
1. lived in grief
2. poured out her heart
3. and was faithful in obedience.

We talk about things like: being someone's target of ridicule, the importance of knowing God as it impacts the resolve of our faith, how to name our emotions and the relief that brings, pouring out our hearts to God without filter, control issues, and what it looks like to let go as mothers.

Hannah's obedience, the dedication of her son Samuel, and the far-reaching impact of her choices weave together a historic tapestry that speaks to the enduring power of faithful obedience.

She is one of us.  Who God is to her, he is to you and me.
You are my alone, my friend.
Much love,
Amy and Jamy


*NOTE: Peninnah's fate of her children at 51:13 was sourced from Jewish tradition and is not found in the Bible (Source HERE)

*NOTE:  Amy's journal reboot was prompted by this book Fuel to Ignite Your Soul: The 40-Day Challenge by Ross Alan Hill

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Episode 10 ~ Hannah 

*See episode description in the show notes. Review 1 Samuel 1-2 for her story. 

1. What did you learn for the first time about Hannah? What surprised you about her story with God? 

2. Read Romans 8:28 and the following statement; “Ordinary situations are the most meaningful in human life, and it is in these that God works for good.”* What do you think about this statement? How do you see this working out in Hannah’s life and example? 

3. What did you learn from how Hannah handled Peninnah? How can you apply this in your difficult interpersonal relationships? 

4. Hannah’s response to very deep grief was open-hearted prayer. What do you think of that?  In what ways is this easy or challenging for you? Brainstorm some practical ways you can deepen your prayer life. {Hint: Amy shared her experience with journaling in the podcast!} 

5. Why could Hannah offer her son to serve God with such a glad heart? What verses in 1 Samuel 2 show us that she could do this? How does this translate to you as you too have things/people you love that you need to surrender? What does this look like as you learn to let go of your children?

6. Although Hannah’s story can apply to many parts of our lives, this lesson has a strong motherhood application. Review the verses Amy shared; Psalm 62:8 and Lamentations 2:19 and describe how they encourage you. 

7. Review the three descriptions of Hannah from the podcast and discuss which one resonates the most with you: 

· Lived in Grief 

· Poured out her heart 

· Was faithful in obedience 

8. “Hannah is us. Who God is to her, He is to me.” Who was God to Hannah? What does that mean to you in your life today? 

*quoted from the Introduction to 1 Samuel in the E









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Episode 10: Hannah - Women of the Bible Series

Episode 10: Hannah - Women of the Bible Series

Amy Petersen & Jamy Fisher