Episode #100: Legal Career Storytelling
In our 100th episode, hosts Kyle McEntee and Katya Valasek reflect on their legal backgrounds and how their journeys to, through, and after law school shape this podcast's discussions. Kyle talks about his journey, beginning with the founding of Law School Transparency (LST), a nonprofit focused on consumer advocacy, and leading to his role at LSAC. He explores the challenges of enacting meaningful change in the face of opposition, emphasizing how crucial it is for advocates to grasp their audience's needs to be persuasive. Katya recounts how her legal career has evolved along a consistent axis of guiding people to the legal careers they want. She discusses her personal and professional fulfillment in the face of persistent questions about her career choices. Katya is a graduate of Michigan State College of Law and Kyle is a graduate of Vanderbilt Law School.
This episode is hosted by Collin Takita.
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