Episode 103: Getting ANSI about Unicode Normalization
Episode 103: In this episode of Critical Thinking - Bug Bounty Podcast Justin and Joseph delve into the vulnerabilities associated with ANSI codes and large language models (LLMs), as well as talk through some new research and the value of micro-blogging in general.
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Shoutout to YTCracker for the awesome intro music!
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Cross-Site POST Requests Without a Content-Type Header
Handling Cookies is a Minefield
XS-Leaking flags with CSS: A CTFd 0day
How I Became The Most Valuable Hacker
(00:00:00 ) Introduction
(00:01:39 ) _json Juggling Attack and Cross-Site POST Requests Without a Content-Type Header
(00:10:55 ) Worst Fit and Unicode Mapping
(00:20:08 ) Handling Cookies is a Minefield
(00:28:11 ) Terminal DiLLMa & CTFd 0day
(00:41:18 ) Hacking Back the AI-Hacker
(00:47:30 ) Becoming Most Valuable Hacker