Episode 1074: Just Joshing Episode 1074: Susan Forest
#SusanForest #Interviews #Booktube
Susan Forest just has an amazing cool life. We catch up at the same place I interviewed Rick at (a little more conversation in the background though, touch busier.) Susan talks about going motorcycling with her husband, her current work and how her travels impact her subject matter, the problems with zoom, and in general we catch up. Susan is an amazing creative with an awesome life. She inspired me with mine now. Take a listen and get her latest stuff.
Susan Forest
Flights of Marigold
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My Course on Podcasting - I have launched a podcasting course. Perfect for those seeking to build their platform, and if you're struggling with putting a show together or having the confidence to speak in front a camera, this course is for you.
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Alice Won? - Available now. Alice escaped the asylum and pursues the Queen of Hearts to the Greek Labyrinth in the underworld, there she must engage in a game of croquet unlike any other, against Jason of the Argonauts. Illustrated by Kenzie Kats, written by yours truly.
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