Episode 113 - SaskScapes in the Summer - Grilledcheesapolooza
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Original launch date: August 30, 2014
The 2023 Summer music festival is in full swing right now so what better time to re-visit a festival from the past that celebrates both grilled cheese sandwiches AND music! "All Hail the Cheese"
SaskScapes is a podcast featuring the stories of arts, culture and heritage in Saskatchewan. The series is produced and hosted by Kevin Power. To sponsor your own episodes contact SaskScapes via Twitter, Facebook or email (saskscapes (at) icloud (dot) com for more information. Reviews in the iTunes store help boost the ratings so be sure to have your say!
Host: Kevin Power www.kevinpower.net
SaskScapes theme music ("Slings & Arrows) provided by Jeffery Straker www.jefferystraker.com
SaskScapes is also available on all major podcasting apps including Apple Podcasts, Google Play store, Stitcher, Podbean, and more!
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