Episode 120: Nintendo's Virtual Boy
In our very first episode of season two, university professor José Zagal and video game historian Benj Edwards, co-authors of Seeing Red: Nintendo's Virtual Boy, join host Frank Cifaldi to educate us all on Nintendo’s Virtual Boy.
Mentioned in the show:
Benj’s original article on VB:
José’s original academic article on the VB (from 2009):
Jez San talking about his VR partnership with Nintendo and how it was cancelled in favor of the Virtual Boy:
See more from José Zagal:
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=a4a3GTMAAAAJ&hl=en
Twitter/X: @josezagal
Division of Games (@University of Utah): games.utah.edu
See more from Benj Edwards:
Twitter: @benjedwards
Website: benjedwards.com
Video Game History Foundation:
Podcast Twitter: @gamehistoryhour
Email: podcast@gamehistory.org
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Website: gamehistory.org
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