Episode 125: Kelly Galloup - Streamer King
Kelly Galloup’s personality is as vibrant and electric as a bag of smelling salts. He’s as raw and beautiful as my tarpon brothers in Homosassa. All this energy is exemplified by how he aggressively pursued the truth about streamers and how to fish them. Often he would submerge himself underwater and silently drift down the river examining where the fish were holding and learned that many big fish were in places he never targeted. His artistic mind exploded with fly designs and he started creating flies that would articulate and swim differently that the old standard patterns, which were thrown as an after thought when nothing else worked. Overnight he changed the game! Everyone started to streamer fish with his flies and began to regularly catch giants. People started to fish revered rivers differently, and he became famous with a cult like following. The older traditionalist didn’t like it at all. He is different, a disrupter, a dang force to be reckoned with, he is Kelly Galloup!
On todays podcast, we cover all this and more in great detail…