DiscoverThe C-Spot: A Podcast about C-SectionsEpisode 13: Becca's C-Section Journey
Episode 13: Becca's C-Section Journey

Episode 13: Becca's C-Section Journey

Update: 2023-12-12


Episode 13 features Becca, an amazing Mama of three boys. Becca and I discovered that we had quite a bit in common - on top of both of us having three sons, we have also both had 3 C-sections. Becca's first C-section began as an induction at 42 weeks; her son was experiencing heart rate decels and labor was not progressing. After this C-section, her recovery was complicated due to needing wound care for several weeks. When Becca became pregnant with her second son, she was determined to achieve a VBAC. Halfway through her pregnancy, she discovered that she had complete placenta previa - which self corrected within a couple of months! After going into labor and dilating to 10 centimeters, her baby boy did not descend into the birth canal - she pushed for 6 hours before her medical team decided it was time for another C-section. Her third C-section, a planned surgery, resulted in an emergency Cesarean hysterectomy due to having placenta accreta.

Some of the topics discussed in this episode include placenta previa, placenta accreta, hysterectomy, being informed of risks associated with C-sections, postpartum depression, birth trauma, and healing. Becca credits a lot of her healing to the work she did with a wound healing therapist. She learned that a lot of women tend to hold trauma and pain in their womb space, whether or not you've had a hysterectomy.

Becca is the founder of Holistic Obsession. She is a functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner and a board-certified holistic health practitioner. She uses her knowledge about the body's physiology to educate women on the importance of hormone balance and gut health and how it relates to mood, brain function, inflammation, and chronic pain, just to name a few. If you'd like to chat more with Becca about hormone support + reversing burnout, please follow her on Instagram at @myholisticobsession.









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Episode 13: Becca's C-Section Journey

Episode 13: Becca's C-Section Journey

Daisy Davis-Marcelo