Episode 4: My C-Section Journey - Part 3
The final part of my C-section trilogy takes a deep dive into my third pregnancy + birth experience. I found out I was pregnant with my 3rd baby boy when I was 8 months postpartum, and just a month after my husband and I got married. This pregnancy was a very unexpected, yet welcome surprise for our family. It also turned out to be my toughest pregnancy yet - I was going through it! Severe nausea, severe pelvic and back pain, preterm labor, gestational diabetes, cholestasis... the struggle was VERY real.
After a lot of thinking and research, I made the decision to attempt a VBA2C (Vaginal Birth after 2 Cesareans). I did "all the things": I found a Webster-certified chiropractor, a pelvic floor therapist, and a perinatal therapist to process my birth trauma. I switched medical providers twice to find a practice that was supportive of my birth desires. I listened to different VBAC podcasts and joined Facebook groups to hear of positive VBAC experiences. I made a birth plan to let my desires be known to any medical provider I would come in contact with at the hospital. I tried my best to manifest the vaginal birth I wanted so badly. After 38 weeks of pregnancy, an induction, and 21 hours of labor, I ended up with my third C-section.