Episode 134: Everything, Everywhere, All at Once Squee
In which consulting fans sit down and talk about everything…and sometimes all at once, about the incredible maximalist film, Everything, Everywhere, All at Once. (But in particular: Asian American diaspora feels, mental health issues, and family relationships.) Spoilers abound, so please beware!
Segment timestamps:
Shownotes, contact details, and credits below.
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Consulting Fans: Fox, Caroline, Drinkingcocoa, Finn, B
Producer:/ Editor: Caroline
- Directed by the Daniels, “Turn Down for What” by Lil Jon
- The Runaway Bunny by Margaret Wise Brown
- The Sunny Nihilist: A Declaration of the Pleasure of Pointlessness by Wendy Syfret
- Caroline’s recommended further reading/watching on EEAAO (not discussed in the episode, sorry!)
- Accented Cinema video essay on EEAAO
- Fastcompany article with Daniels quotes
- Wired video/interview on the 5 person special/visual effects team
Email: bored@three-patch.com
Website: https://www.three-patch.com
Skype: threepatch.podcast
Twitter: https://twitter.com/threepatch
Tumblr: http://threepatchpodcast.tumblr.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/threepatchpodcast
Discord: http://discord.gg/ZUYEJhN
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/threepatchproductions
Production Credits
Episode Producer: Caroline
Episode Audio Editor: Caroline
Banner Art: Fox Estacado
Distribution funded by fans!
Music Credit: TPP Show Intro, Interstitials, and Outro – Three Patch Productions
How to Cite
Three Patch Productions (Producer). (2022, August 1). Everything, Everywhere, All at Once Squee [Episode 134]. Three patch podcast. Podcast retrieved from https://three-patch.com/2022/08/01/episode-134