DiscoverThe Partial HistoriansEpisode 150 - Rhetorical Fireworks
Episode 150 - Rhetorical Fireworks

Episode 150 - Rhetorical Fireworks

Update: 2024-05-09


It is 403 BCE and we’re about to be blinded by some rhetorical fireworks. The situation between Rome and Veii is getting more serious.

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Episode 150 – Rhetorical Fireworks

We’ve Got Chills, They’re Speechifying!

As the Romans prepare for a long siege, the suggestion was casually made that the soldiers will need to remain in winter quarters. The Romans were not used to being in the field this long and the tribunes of the plebeians were immediately suspicious. Is this why military pay had just been introduced? To distract the people whilst forcing them to live in a state of slavery? Outrageous. Nonetheless, this is what the plebeians get when they keep electing patricians into office.

One of the military tribunes decides to hit back at the tribunes with their own epic speech. Who better for the task than the uber-patrician Appius Claudius? Let’s watch those rhetorical fireworks fly!

Appius’ speech, with its’ mixture of conservatism and logic, is so effective that he wins some of the people over. As everything hangs in the balance, word reaches Rome of a serious setback at Veii. A sneaky night attack led to all the Roman siege equipment being destroyed by fire and some of the soldiers had died trying to extinguish the blaze.

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Aule Metele (The Orator). A hollow-cast bronze showing an Etruscan male known as Aulus Metellus or Aule Metele in Roman-style clothing, dated to early 1st century BCE.. While this figure is not from our time period, the combination of Etruscan and Roman culture and the speechifying aspect of this statue seemed appropriate! Courtesy of

This disaster tips the balance in favour of Appius’ arguments. Patricians and plebeians put their differences aside so that they could focus on the war effort. Those Etruscans were asking for it!

The senate no longer had to worry about whether the people were on board regarding winter service. Romans from various backgrounds were throwing themselves at the senate, begging to be allowed to go to war.

Who knew that war could make people so happy? That’s the Romans for you!

Please Sir. I Want Some… More?!

Camillus, one of the Furii clan, makes his debut in this year as one of the censors. In order to pay for some of these new expenses, the censors introduced some new taxes on unmarried men and …orphans. Way to be harsh, Rome!

Our Players 403 BCE

Military Tribunes with Consular Power

  • M’. Aemilius Mam. f. M. n. Mamercinus (or Mamercus) (Pat) Cos. 410, Mil. Tr. c. p. 405, 401

  • L. Valerius L. f. P. n. Potitus (Pat) Cos. 392, Mil. Tr. c. p. 414, 406, 401, 398

  • Ap. Claudius P. f. Ap. n. Crassus Inregillensis (Pat) Cos. 349 ?

  • M. Quinctilius L. f. L. n. Varus (Pat)

  • L. Iulius Sp.? f. Vopisci? n. Iullus (Pat)

  • M. Furius – f. – n. Fusus (Pat)

  • ? M. Postumius (Pat)

  • ? M. Furius L. f. Sp. n. Camillus (Pat) Mil. Tr. c. p. 401, 398, 394, 386, 384, 381

  • ? M. Postumius A. f. A. n. Albinus Regillensis (Pat) Mil. Tr. c. p. 426


  • M. Furius L. f. Sp. n. Camillus (Pat) Mil. Tr. c. p. 401, 398, 394, 386, 384, 381

  • M. Postumius A. f. A. n. Albinus Regillensis (Pat) Mil. Tr. c. p. 426

Our Sources

Sound Credits

Our theme music was composed by the amazing Bettina Joy de Guzman

Automated Transcript

Dr Rad: Welcome to the Partial Historians!

Dr G: We explore all the details of Ancient Rome.

Dr Rad: Everything from the political scandals, the love affairs, the battles waged, and when citizens turn against each other.

Dr Rad: I’m Dr Rad.

Dr G: And I’m Dr G. We consider Rome as the Romans saw it by reading different authors from the ancient past and comparing their stories. 

Dr Rad: Join us as we trace the journey of Rome from the founding of the city. 

Dr Rad 0:32
Hello, and welcome to a brand new episode of the partial historian’s. I am one of your hosts, Dr Rad.

Dr G 0:41
And I am Dr. G.

Dr Rad 0:44
So exciting Dr. G, because we are in yet another new recording setup.

Dr G 0:51
Oh yeah, this is very exciting, dear listeners, through the valued support of our honoured patrons, we’ve been able to purchase some slightly upgraded microphones, hello,

Dr Rad 1:04
I know and a mixer and everything.

Dr G 1:07
I’m feeling like a genuine sound engineer who does not know what they’re doing.

Dr Rad 1:11
I Look at probably sounds crazy to you that we didn’t have these things before. But hey, you know podcasting on a shoestring. And to be honest, it’s also been very much affected by the fact that I have moved so many times that we needed to keep changing our microphones. Somewhere I was living about

Dr G 1:28
changing our setup every year or so trying to figure out what would work in what space? Yes,

Dr Rad 1:33
exactly. We’re

Dr G 1:34
pretty excited for this.

Dr Rad 1:35
We are hoping that this is the sound

Dr G 1:38

Dr Rad 1:42
insert one of our high quality free sound effects you

Dr G 1:45
Oh, I’m gonna keep the vocal.

Dr Rad 1:48
But that is not the only thing that is new in our life at the moment. Dr. G. From these microphones.

Dr G 1:53
I’m so excited. We are absolutely thrilled to announce our upcoming new book. I know we never thought we’d write another book again.

Dr Rad 2:08
We really didn’t. Particularly Not so soon.

Dr G 2:13
But we were absolutely floored to be approached by Ulysses press. Yes. And they are really interested in ancient Rome, but like with a bit of fun involved and a little bit of like, new Greatest Hits elements. And we were like very happy to provide that were like there are so many Greatest Hits when it comes to ancient Rome. Yes.

Dr Rad 2:38
So we are currently in the editing phase with this particular book. It will be out in November of this year, but you can pre order it now. It will be a little bit different to Rex in that we are going to be taking a slightly more populous turn, I’m going to say in a very wanqi way.

Dr G 3:01
What that means what that translates to is less footnotes yes, maybe no footnotes, more jokes,

Dr Rad 3:07
More drag race references that I’m sneaking in. Even if Dr G begs me not to,

Dr G 3:13
I can assure you that there are some Monty Python puns and references. So I’m excited for that.

Dr Rad 3:20
Yeah. So basically, it’s us doing what we’ve always done, which is taking academic material, thank you academics, and translating it into something really fun and a little bit lighter to read so that if you’re going on a holiday and you want some Roman history, you don’t h









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Episode 150 - Rhetorical Fireworks

Episode 150 - Rhetorical Fireworks

The Partial Historians