DiscoverLiving Water Community ChurchEpisode 157: Daniel 3:1-30 Hope In Jesus
Episode 157: Daniel 3:1-30 Hope In Jesus

Episode 157: Daniel 3:1-30 Hope In Jesus

Update: 2024-10-24


We worked through chapter 3 and in it we really get a view into the second major time God confronts Nebuchadnezzar. The first time God confronted Nebuchadnezzar was with the recurring dream. The dream he demanded his wise men tell him along with its meaning. God uses Daniel to convey the dream and its meaning but also Daniel points out to Nebuchadnezzar how God is the source of the dream and its interpretation. This made it clear to Nebuchadnezzar where the source really was. The second time was in Daniel three when Nebuchadnezzar demanded his leaders from all over his kingdom come and bow down before the statue he has constructed. We are not entirely sure what drove this demand. The Bible does not record for us the motivating factors but there is a historic record of a rebellion in the kingdom of Babylon about the tenth year of Nebuchadnezzar’s reign. If this was the motivation behind this then it was a test of loyalty. Failure to comply was a sign of disloyalty and explains the extreme consequences for not following orders. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego did not bow down to the statue. Their failure was reported and they were brought before the king who was angry at their disobedience to his command. Nebuchadnezzar was willing to give them another chance to bow down when the music played but they quite firmly affirmed how no matter what the king wanted they would not bow to the image the king had constructed. They also made it clear this was out of loyalty to their God Yahweh and they were willing to face the death sentence rather than bow down. This made the king furious and he ordered the furnace made as hot as it could possibly be made. This furnace was probably a large brick kiln used for firing bricks to make the walls of Babylon. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego told the king their God was capable of delivering them from death but even if He did not they would not bow to his image. King Nebuchadnezzar ordered two of his soldiers to bind them and throw them into the furnace. The furnace was so hot the men throwing in the three Hebrew men died. To Nebuchadnezzar’s surprise the three Hebrews survived and appeared to be walking around in the flames with a fourth man who appeared to Nebuchadnezzar to be like a son of the gods. This is most likely a pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus. Since they did not die Nebuchadnezzar went near to the furnace and called out to them to come out. Upon exiting the furnace, the king and his counselors witnessed how their was no evidence of fire exposure on them or their clothing in any way. The king then blesses the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego for the miraculous delivery of His loyal servants who would rather face death then worship any god but Him. This resulted in the king issuing a decree of retribution against anyone who says anything against Yahweh. The king also promoted the three young men. This story is not really about the young Hebrews but rather about God who is powerful and able to save. This is the God we serve and He can and does rescue all who follow Him from eternal death and damnation. This is who our hope is in. This is the God who is confronting the ruler of the world at this point in time. 

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Episode 157: Daniel 3:1-30 Hope In Jesus

Episode 157: Daniel 3:1-30 Hope In Jesus

Living Water Community Church