Episode 2: Why I Take The Theoretical Standpoints That I Do And Why They Matter
More in depth look at my choice to be both Gender Critical in outlook and Socialist in my Praxis and some small cleavages I have with people who call themselves Radical Feminists in the 2020s.
If you're looking for more (or better articulated, my apologies! these things still make me a little nervous) sources on these issues, feel free to check out these very useful podcasts, YouTube lectures and books to get a little better grounded in these sources.
Here is an excellent description of Marxism for beginners:
^ this can be a bit wordy, but wordy is important!
Here is a little bit more accessible example from Mike Duncan
Here is an article summarizing Sylvia Federici, the living marxist feminist legend, latest book about bodies under capitalism where she critiques the trans humanist ideas that undergird transgenderism/body modification as a concept/ideal in lieu of bodily acceptance and celebration.
Finally, here is a statement by the Communist Party of the UK, while I don't think feminists should organize with men in the same organizations (we can work together for shared goals) arguing against mainstream transgender ideology.
Finally! Quick Error Correction, we read Rosa Luxembourg's Reform or Revolution for the next week, rather than Engel's Origin of the Family-but that is a fantastic text we will get to soon enough!