Episode 2 - Flustering Flustertash
Jason and Kane spend more time together and grow closer. A slip of the tongue reveals Jason’s feelings, which he doesn’t handle in the best way. Fortunately, it’s nothing some honest communication can’t fix.
Written by Erin Kyan
Produced by Passer Vulpes Productions
Recorded by Kermie Breydon
Kane voiced by Lee Davis-Thalbourne
Jason voiced by Erin Kyan
Credits voiced by Roslyn Quin
Cover art by Beau Parsons: https://hellobeau.xyz/
For more info on The Laird Hotel: http://lairdhotel.com
Transcript of this episode: https://www.loveandluckpodcast.com/transcripts-blog/2018/11/9/episode-2-flustering-flustertash
Captioned video of this episode: https://youtu.be/1jeYt7MsogQ
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