Episode 21 - The Men Who Want to Be Women and the Women Who Want to Be With Them
Our guests this week are among the most interesting, sharp, and controversial people on political twitter -- Diane Yap and Hunter Ash. We brought these two on to talk about the intricacies of dating for AGPs and the women who are drawn to them. We ended up talking about much more, and there's something to piss off everyone in this conversation!
Tali and Aaron AAP-vestigate Diane, Hunter challenges the notion that he was "never truly dysphoric" if he is happy with detransition, and the whole crew talks about why the gender critical movement is actually woke faction in-fighting and bound to lose...because so many only want to fight. We opine about the crisis of faith in institutions and what happens when our cultural scripts don't map onto reality. And Diane ends us on a high note with a reminder that the truth will not only set us free, but it will give us a material evolutionary advantage over people who prefer socially convenient lies.
Join us for this far-reaching conversation and let us know in the comments what triggered you most.
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