Episode 24: Beyond Bray Road: Dogman Tails (Featuring an interview with Linda Godfrey!)
In late 1991 and early 1992, newspaper reporter Linda Godfrey wrote about a rash of reported werewolf sightings along a small stretch of road in Elkhorn, Wisconsin. The story exploded nationwide, as tales of The Beast of Bray Road--a massive wolf that walked upright on its hind legs--captivated audiences across America. Linda soon discovered that sightings like these have occurred across the continent, and the globe, for a very long time. Encounters with Dogman--as the creature is often called--are terrifying, and although usually brief, they leave witnesses with a lifetime of questions. Join us as we discuss the Dogman phenomenon, and are joined by Linda Godfrey, who has written several books on the topic and is the foremost authority on Dogman, for an eye-opening interview.
Witness stories told in the episode are from the books listed below:
Real Wolfmen: True Encounters in Modern America by Linda Godfrey
American Monsters: A History of Monster Lore, Legends, and Sightings in America by Linda Godfrey
Monsters Among Us: An Exploration of Otherworldly Bigfoots, Wolfmen, Portals, Phantoms, and Odd Phenomenon by Linda Godfrey
Paranormal Underground Podcast
Not Alone Podcast
Expanded Perspectives Podcast
Dogman Encounters Radio
Haunted Places by Alex Lisi
Dark Tension Rising Music by Royalty Free Zone
Heavy by Huma-Huma
Dead Man's Secrets by Silencyde
Myths and Mysteries theme is Circles in the Sky by Cinematic Waves. All songs are used under the Creative Commons License.