Episode 24: Fatimah Finney, MA, LMHC/D.E.I. & Intercultural Competence
Dr. Crawford and Meghan spend precious time speaking with Fatimah Finney about the ever important topic of intercultural competence & diversity, equity and inclusion & how all of this may relate back to our internal system and Parts. We touch on how to repair when we inevitably mess up and hopefully help to allow continued space for this important conversation! Enjoy!
Fatimah's Website: https://www.healingdifferently.com/
IG: fatimahfinneylmhc
Altogether Us Book Link: https://www.amazon.com/Altogether-Us-Integrating-Modalities-Communities-ebook/dp/B0BT4Z6DLQ
Amy's Website: www.amyleecrawford.com
Podcast Site: https://turninginpod.buzzsprout.com
IG: @turninginpod
Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0zQK82sG5zHoQAEAUc7QS4?si=e42400c2f3c84e58