Episode 264
Update: 2024-05-20
In 2002, high school senior Stacy DeGrandchamp died after getting into a physical fight with her schoolmate, Holly Boisvert. For many, the assumption was that Holly had murdered Stacy, but the police could never figure out how she did it, if she did it at all. The case eventually went cold, and nobody would get any real answers about Stacy’s death for almost twenty years.
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idk I'm kinda team holly. she was getting her ass whooped and kicked in the head. people have died from that, too. I mean can't you shoot someone if your life is threatened?! then to arrest her 20 years later just seems cruel. she should have never even talked to the cops at that point.
SO Sad that these Poor Girls need to Fight over a Teenage Boy that Neither One will End-Up with!! I’m just Glad they Found-Out who Killed Her. SAD it took So Many Years later & Funny The Murderer Hands the Weapon over. Karma is Real & It MAY Not come that Same Day, a Week, Month. However, it Always comes to Collect.
This is just amazing. https://www.spotify-pie.com
why did this take 20 years to solve? there must be a good reason