Episode 35 - Atari Design Through the Ages w/ Tim Lapetino
Tim Lapetino, writer of the book, The Art of Atari, was hired as Atari's creative director earlier this year. Few people know our company like he does as he's literally written a book on it! Tim and I (Jason) haven't had too many discussions together, so this was a great opportunity to learn more about his history and share that with you all. I hope you enjoy the discussion as much as I did!
Video link: https://youtu.be/sy8YTAWRmlU
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Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2534370/Yars_Rising/
Switch: https://www.nintendo.com/en-gb/Games/Nintendo-Switch-games/Yars-Rising-2556901.html
PS4/PS5: https://store.playstation.com/en-us/concept/10010102/
Xbox: https://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/store/yars-rising/9nm99mvp8qt9
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