DiscoverThe Latin Prayer PodcastEpisode 39 - Anima Christi (Latin)
Episode 39 - Anima Christi (Latin)

Episode 39 - Anima Christi (Latin)

Update: 2019-12-31


This well known Catholic prayer dates to the early fourteenth century and was possibly written by Pope John XXII, but its authorship remains uncertain. The prayer takes its name from its Latin incipit, meaning "Soul of Christ". The Anima Christi was popularly believed to have been composed by St. Ignatius of Loyola, as he puts it at the beginning of his Spiritual Exercises and often refers to it. However, it has been found in a number of prayer books printed during Ignatius' youth and is in manuscripts which were written a hundred years before his birth. In the library of Avignon there is preserved a prayer book of Cardinal Peter De Luxembourg, who died in 1387, which contains Anima Christi in practically the same form as we have it today. 

This prayer was so well known and so popular at the time of Ignatius, that in the first edition of his Spiritual Exercises he merely mentions it, evidently supposing that the reader would know it. In later editions, it was printed in full. It was by assuming that everything in the book was written by St. Ignatius that it came to be looked upon as his composition.

Anima Christi, sanctifica me.

Corpus Christi, salva me.

Sanguis Christi, inebria me.

Aqua lateris Christi, lava me.

Passio Christi, conforta me.

O bone Jesu, exaudi me.

Intra tua vulnera absconde me.

Ne permittas me separari a te.

Ab hoste maligno defende me.

In hora mortis meae voca me.

Et jube me venire ad te,

Ut cum Sanctis tuis laudem te,

In saecula saeculorum.


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We are living in dark times (in and outside of the Church) which now more than ever requires you and me, ordinary men and women to fight with all our might for the salvation of souls and our own sanctity. Prayer is the foundation that grounds us as well as the wings that draw us close to God. It is the beginning. Pope St. Pius X's reach was limited by the technology of his day, but what about us? What if we could gather, inspire and call upon a 1,000,000 families to pray the rosary everyday?

If you have any prayers you'd like to request, or comments and/or suggestions - please email me at Know that if you are listening to this, I am praying for you. Please continue to pray with me and for me and my family.

May everything you do be Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam.

God Love You!

Valete (Goodbye)









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Episode 39 - Anima Christi (Latin)

Episode 39 - Anima Christi (Latin)

Dylan Drego