DiscoverThe Principals (Aotearoa | New Zealand)Episode 4: Support systems for principals - You don’t have to do it alone
Episode 4: Support systems for principals - You don’t have to do it alone

Episode 4: Support systems for principals - You don’t have to do it alone

Update: 2024-09-17


Being a tumuaki is a big job, and it can feel overwhelming and more than a little lonely at the top - but you’re not alone. Today, we’re talking about support available to new principals, and networks you can tap into for advice.


My guests this week are:

  • Saane Faaofo Oldehaver, currently seconded to the Ministry of Education for one year as leadership advisor Pasifika from her tumuaki role at Auckland’s Weymouth Primary School.

  • Daniel Wilson, leadership advisor for Nelson Marlborough West Coast, on secondment from Nayland College in Nelson.

  • Sandy Hastings, leadership advisor for Canterbury Chatham Islands area from her role as principal at Beckenham Te Kura o Pūroto in Christchurch.

  • Patrick Ikiua, national director for professional practice with Te Whakarōputanga Kaitiaki Kura o Aotearoa, the New Zealand School Boards Association (previously NZSTA).


This podcast was produced for the Ministry of Education as part of Te Ara Tīmatanga mō ngā Tumuaki - The Beginning Pathway for Principals.


You can learn more about this topic by accessing Te Ara Tīmatanga mō ngā Tumuaki - The Beginning Pathway for Principals e-learning modules on the Education LMS:


Show notes


Episode themes:

  • Importance of developing partnership and networks of support

  • Connecting with kahui ako and other learning and development groups

  • When a principal should seek advice and/or support, and the importance of connection with others

  • Advice and support provided by the NZSBA, and the importance of contacting them early on if there is an issue

  • What leadership advisors can help you with

  • Support offered by the New Zealand Pasifika Principals Association

  • Other regional and national principals’ associations and what they can help you with

  • Legal schemes you can join

  • The importance of making connections to avoid loneliness and isolation

  • Support the Ministry of Education provides
    • Leadership advisors

    • Education advisors

    • Manager of integrated services

    • Learning support team

    • Financial advisors

    • Traumatic incidents team

    • Property managers

    • Curriculum advisors

    • NCEA advisors

    • First time principals programme

  • NZSBA principals onboarding programme for school boards


Additional information:



1:38 [to Saane] Why is it important for a tumuaki to develop partnerships and networks of support, especially when they first start in the role?


2:56 [to Sandy]  When should a principal seek advice or support?


5:40 [to Patrick] Can you tell me a little bit about the NZSBA please and what it does, and the name changes that's been through in the last little while?


6:54 [to Patrick] Can you talk me through the kinds of issues that NZSBA can help with?


8:27 [to Patrick] Why is it important to contact the NZSBA in the first instance?


9:36 [to Daniel] Can you tell me a little bit about what leadership advisors do please, and what they can offer to new tumuaki?


11:11 [to Saane] Can you please tell me a bit about the support NZPPA provides Pasifika principals?


12:50 [to Sandy] There are a number of other national and regional principals associations that also provide support, including Te Akatea as well. Sandy, you were president of the Canterbury Primary Principals Association, what kinds of things did you do in that role?


15:03 [to all] Thinking back to when you were starting as new tumuaki, what difference did it make to you knowing that you had people you could call on if you did have concerns?


19:07 [to Sandy] What other support does the Ministry of Education provide to new tumuaki?


19:51 [to Sandy] What do education advisors do?









Sleep Timer


End of Episode

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Episode 4: Support systems for principals - You don’t have to do it alone

Episode 4: Support systems for principals - You don’t have to do it alone