DiscoverIntermittent Fasting StoriesEpisode 416: Ashley Izzo
Episode 416: Ashley Izzo

Episode 416: Ashley Izzo

Update: 2024-05-302


Ashley Iso, a lead instructor at Spanga, shares her long and winding journey with weight and body image. From struggling with weight as a child and facing criticism from a ballet teacher, she went through various phases of dieting and disordered eating, including purging and a vegan phase. She eventually found intermittent fasting as a way to manage her weight and mental health, particularly after the birth of her second child. Ashley's journey highlights the importance of finding a sustainable approach to health and wellness, and she emphasizes the power of clean fasting and the benefits of Spanga, a 20-minute workout program that combines cardio, strength training, and yoga. She also shares her non-scale victories, including a reduction in pre-cancerous spots and the mental clarity and presence she has gained through intermittent fasting.


Introduction and Community

This Chapter introduces the podcast and its host, Jim Stevens, and highlights the importance of community in supporting an intermittent fasting lifestyle. It encourages listeners to join the AskGen group, the 28-day fast start group, and the first year group for support and guidance.

Ashley's Weight Journey

This Chapter delves into Ashley's personal journey with weight and body image. She shares her struggles from childhood to adulthood, including her experiences with ballet, cheerleading, theater, and various diets. She discusses her struggles with purging and the impact of societal pressures on her self-perception.

Discovering Intermittent Fasting

This Chapter focuses on Ashley's discovery of intermittent fasting. She describes her initial skepticism and how she eventually embraced it after a challenging experience with a newborn and a toddler. She shares her experience with clean fasting and the positive impact it has had on her mental clarity, mental health, and overall well-being.

Spanga and Alternate Day Fasting

This Chapter explores Ashley's experience with Spanga, a 20-minute workout program that combines cardio, strength training, and yoga. She discusses her journey with alternate day fasting (ADF) and how it helped her move the needle on her weight loss. She also shares her insights on the therapeutic benefits of ADF and the importance of finding a sustainable approach that works for each individual.

Body Composition and Non-Scale Victories

This Chapter emphasizes the importance of focusing on body composition changes rather than solely relying on the scale. Ashley shares her experience with Spanga and how it has helped her build muscle and reduce body fat. She also discusses her non-scale victories, including a reduction in pre-cancerous spots and the mental clarity and presence she has gained through intermittent fasting.

Sharing Intermittent Fasting

This Chapter explores Ashley's journey with sharing intermittent fasting with others. She discusses her initial hesitation due to the prevailing gym culture and her desire to avoid judgment. She shares how she has become more comfortable sharing her experience and the positive impact it has had on her life.

Advice for Beginners

This Chapter concludes with Ashley's advice for those just starting out with intermittent fasting. She emphasizes the importance of clean fasting and absorbing as much information as possible. She encourages listeners to dive into the resources available, including books, podcasts, and other materials, to stay motivated and learn as they go.


Intermittent Fasting

A dietary pattern that cycles between periods of eating and voluntary fasting, typically on a daily or weekly basis. It involves restricting food intake for a set period of time, followed by a period of normal eating. Popular methods include the 16/8 method, alternate-day fasting, and the 5:2 diet.

Clean Fasting

A type of intermittent fasting where individuals consume only calorie-free beverages, such as water, tea, and black coffee, during the fasting period. It aims to promote fat burning and improve metabolic health.


A 20-minute workout program that combines cardio, strength training, and yoga. It is designed to be a balanced and effective workout that can be done in a group setting. Spanga studios are located in various locations and offer a unique and engaging workout experience.

Alternate Day Fasting (ADF)

A type of intermittent fasting where individuals alternate between days of eating normally and days of fasting. It involves consuming a very low number of calories or no calories at all on fasting days. ADF is often used for weight loss and metabolic health benefits.

Body Composition

The relative proportions of fat, muscle, bone, and water in the body. It is a more accurate measure of health and fitness than body weight alone. Body composition analysis can be used to track progress in weight loss, muscle gain, and overall health.

Non-Scale Victories

Positive changes in health and well-being that are not reflected on the scale. These can include improvements in energy levels, sleep quality, mental clarity, and overall mood. Non-scale victories are important to celebrate as they demonstrate the broader benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

Gut Microbiome

The trillions of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms that live in the digestive tract. The gut microbiome plays a crucial role in digestion, immunity, and overall health. Diet, lifestyle, and other factors can influence the composition and function of the gut microbiome.

Insulin Resistance

A condition in which the body's cells do not respond properly to insulin, a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels. Insulin resistance can lead to high blood sugar levels, increased risk of type 2 diabetes, and other health problems.

Zoe Study

A large-scale research study that investigates the relationship between diet, gut microbiome, and personalized health. The Zoe study uses advanced technology to analyze participants' gut bacteria and blood sugar responses to different foods.

Dairy Intolerance

A condition in which the body has difficulty digesting lactose, a sugar found in dairy products. Symptoms of dairy intolerance can include bloating, gas, diarrhea, and stomach cramps.


  • What is Spanga and how does it work?

    Spanga is a 20-minute workout program that combines cardio, strength training, and yoga. It is designed to be a balanced and effective workout that can be done in a group setting. Spanga studios are located in various locations and offer a unique and engaging workout experience.

  • What are the benefits of alternate day fasting (ADF)?

    ADF can help with weight loss, improve insulin sensitivity, and boost metabolism. It can also have therapeutic benefits for conditions like insulin resistance.

  • What are some non-scale victories that Ashley has experienced?

    Ashley has experienced a reduction in pre-cancerous spots, improved mental clarity, and increased presence with her children.

  • What advice does Ashley have for those just starting out with intermittent fasting?

    Ashley recommends focusing on clean fasting and absorbing as much information as possible. She encourages listeners to dive into the resources available, including books, podcasts, and other materials, to stay motivated and learn as they go.

  • What is the importance of dropping shame and blame when it comes to weight loss?

    Dropping shame and blame allows individuals to focus on their health and well-being without judgment or self-criticism. It creates a more positive and supportive environment for making healthy choices.

  • What is the significance of sharing our weight loss stories, even the difficult parts?

    Sharing our stories openly, including our struggles and mistakes, helps to normalize the weight loss journey and create a sense of community. It allows others to feel less alone and learn from our experiences.

  • What is the role of community in supporting an intermittent fasting lifestyle?

    Community provides support, motivation, and accountability. It allows individuals to connect with others who share similar goals and challenges, creating a sense of belonging and encouragement.

  • What are some of the challenges Ashley faced in her weight loss journey?

    Ashley faced challenges with societal pressures, disordered eating, and the impact of life events like pregnancy and childbirth. She also struggled with finding a sustainable approach that worked for her long-term.

  • What is the importance of finding a sustainable approach to weight loss?

    A sustainable approach is one that can be maintained over time without feeling restrictive or overwhelming. It focuses on making gradual changes that fit into an individual's lifestyle and preferences.

  • What is the role of mental health and mental clarity in weight loss?

    Mental health and mental clarity are essential for making healthy choices and maintaining a sustainable lifestyle. When individuals feel good mentally, they are more likely to prioritize their well-being and make choices that support their goals.

Show Notes

In this episode of Intermittent Fasting Stories, Gin talks to Ashley Izzo from Marietta, GA.

Are you ready to take your intermittent fasting lifestyle to the next level? There’s nothing better than community to help with that. In the Delay, Don’t Deny community we all embrace the clean fast, and there’s just the right support for you as you live your intermittent fasting lifestyle. 

You can connect directly with Gin in the Ask Gin group, and she will answer all of your questions personally. If you’re new to intermittent fasting or recommitting to the IF lifestyle, join the 28-Day FAST Start group. After your fast start, join us for support in The 1st Year group. Need tips for long term maintenance? We have a place for that! There are many more useful spaces beyond these, and you can interact in as many as you like. 

Visit to join us. An annual membership costs just over a dollar a week when you do the math. If you aren’t ready to fully commit for a year, join for a month and you can cancel at any time. If you know you’ll want to stay forever, we also have a lifetime membership option available.  

IF is free. You don’t need to join our community to fast. But if you’re looking for support from a community of like-minded IFers, we are here for you at

Ashley is lead instructor at a Spenga studio and a mom of two boys. Ashley openly shares her turbulent relationship with food and body image that dates back to her childhood, discussing how she navigated weight struggles from middle school into adulthood. After a bout of salmonella poisoning, health remained at the forefront of her concerns. Her journey with food took dramatic turns as she experimented with a variety of diets, including experiences with both the master cleanse protocol and a lengthy juice fast to prepare for her wedding. Despite these programs and diets, Ashley was unable to maintain her weight loss, and her weight always went back up.

Ashley's story takes a poignant turn as she delves into her pregnancy loss, highlighting how grief and then motherhood affected her body and her approach to nutrition. Choosing to adopt intermittent fasting, she recounts her initial hesitation and the accidental discovery of its benefits while juggling the demands of a toddler and a newborn.

Throughout their conversation, Gin and Ashley bond over their shared experiences with dietary struggles and the realization that the path to well-being is unique for each person. The discussion ventures into the mental and physical benefits both women have observed from intermittent fasting. They also explore the societal pressures around eating and the freedom they have found in making personal food choices without the burden of judgment.

Concluding the episode, Ashley emphasizes the importance of pursuing health without attaching guilt to food choices, encouraging listeners to take control of their own well-being journey. She underscores the significance of prioritizing how one feels over a number on the scale and advocates for body recomposition and strength-building as markers of fitness success. Her parting advice for the audience is to drop the shame around past struggles and embrace a flexible, information-empowered approach to intermittent fasting, leading to a healthier and more harmonious lifestyle.

Get Gin’s books at:, including her latest bestseller 28-Day Fast Start Day-By-Day, the Ultimate Guide to Starting (or Restarting) Your Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle so it Sticks, New York Times Bestseller, Fast. Feast. Repeat., and Cleanish, available wherever you buy books! Delay, Don’t Deny is available on Amazon.  

Join Gin’s community! Go to:

Do you enjoy Intermittent Fasting Stories? You’ll probably also like Gin’s other podcast with cohost Sheri Bullock: Fast. Feast. Repeat. Intermittent Fasting for Life. Find it wherever you listen to podcasts.  

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Episode 416: Ashley Izzo