Episode 44: Solidifying Your 5D Orientation in a Shifting World
Update: 2023-05-24
Quick Review of 3D, 4D, and 5D Consciousness:
- 3D Consciousness is based in fear and ego separation. This level of consciousness keeps us trapped in scarcity and conflict.
- 5D Consciousness is based in love and unity. It is the non-physical world that is experienced by the spiritually awakened who have expanded their senses beyond only the human animal 5 senses, to new frequencies, so the creation of the New Earth can begin. The 5D world is the non-physical world that is experienced by the spiritually awakened who have expanded their senses beyond only the human animal 5 senses, to new frequencies, so the creation of the New Earth can begin. Mother Earth is also in the process of ascending into a 5D state.
- 4D Consciousness is the bridge between 3D and 5D Consciousness. It focuses on healing our subconscious and making it conscious so we can release baggage and traumas and limited beliefs -- personal and lineage (family as well as past lives if you believe in those) and collective -- so we can increasingly ascend into 5D Consciousness. Ascension is the process of shedding our ego. The more we do that, the more we raise our vibration into the elevated level of consciousness known as 5D Consciousness..
- Conscious intention is everything. Mastering conscious intention becomes increasingly available to us the more 4th dimension work we do.
What we mean by The One Thing (TOT) is our connection to the higher self part of our True Self Anatomy. People call TOT by various different names, such as but not at all limited to Source, Spirit, God, the wisdom of the universe, our higher self, and so forth. The time has come to stop viewing life problems as things we can solve separately from TOT. Doing this is The One Thing that individuals, communities and countries have yet to try en masse. Solutions Start With Source™.
The One Thing podcast helps you more fully establish, and constantly return to, TOT connection -- moment-to-moment -- as the first step in dealing with what life brings to us. In each episode your co-hosts, Laurie Morse and David Gruder, offer you ways to understand and more effectively deal moment-to-moment with a specific personal, societal, and global issue, so you more effectively do your part to help usher in the era of Homo Spiritus: Humans being conduits for higher love and wisdom in the physical universe.
Please share your comments, questions, requests for future episode topics, and any other feedback you might have, through the Contact page on our podcast site: TOTpodcast.net
The One Thing podcast helps you more fully establish, and constantly return to, TOT connection -- moment-to-moment -- as the first step in dealing with what life brings to us. In each episode your co-hosts, Laurie Morse and David Gruder, offer you ways to understand and more effectively deal moment-to-moment with a specific personal, societal, and global issue, so you more effectively do your part to help usher in the era of Homo Spiritus: Humans being conduits for higher love and wisdom in the physical universe.
Please share your comments, questions, requests for future episode topics, and any other feedback you might have, through the Contact page on our podcast site: TOTpodcast.net
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