Episode 44 - Interviews from Convention!
Comments about the show? Let us know! We love feedback!
Welcome to a very special episode of Talk Exchange! Applo Multimedia Group is the producer of Talk Exchange and we had the unique opportunity to attend the National Convention this year. We setup a table in the Exhibitors Hall and asked members to record a quick message about all the great things their club is doing, as well as their thoughts on Convention.
Hopefully you get some new ideas and learn more about what clubs are doing in the name of Exchange.
Also, today's episode features chapter markers so long as your podcast player utilizes this feature. The names of the participants are also listed below with the order they appear in the show. Enjoy!
Episode Guests (in order of appearance):
Angie Stafford
Annete Duncan
Brian Leonard
Cliff Kiernan
Fussell Hughes
Gloria Dunaway-Hartlett
Judi Hartman
Kara Wright
Kenny Sweeney
Kevin Barker
Levetta Jefferson
Linda Carlson
Michael Forster
Mike Gaston
Patsy Stills
Richard Flicker
Ron Garriga
Ron Sciandra
Thomas Karnes
Victor Alejandro
William Gardiner
Also, today's episode was not filmed, but if you prefer to listen via our YouTube channel, click here: https://youtu.be/5JnX3VMFL3M
Thanks for listening! See you next time!