Episode 5: Welcome to Diagon Alley!
In episode 5, our tour guides have finally made it to Diagon Alley! Our hosts Will Hagrid, Alex Scamander, Greta Granger and Nick Longbottom debate back and forth about where the real-life inspiration might be – which mostly depends on who went to uni where!
Join Alex in lamenting the fact there was no 80’s movie montage as Hagrid and Harry wandered through the shops; walk with Will through Edinburgh’s contenders and cafés; amble with Nick, who has a very suspect quote from JK herself, and follow Greta, as she theorises about Flourish and Blotts, and puts Florean Fortescue in the spotlight!
Find out why our guides are obsessed with parrots this episode, why you should always end on your weakest fact, and listen to some very bad accents, all in just over 30 minutes. So tap those bricks and join us in Diagon Alley! Don’t miss out on an episode; subscribe now to keep following our wizarding journey through the muggle and magical world of JK Rowling!